Solutions of power supply industry : automotive power supply, energy saving power supply, ballast, etc.
Recommended solution: four - head SMT production line solution Recommended strength: ★★★★ Product Features: Six head FLy shot SMT production line is the most popular production line at present, with higher precision, higher stability and faster speed.
Recommended solution: six-head fly-shot SMT production line solution Recommended strength: ★★★★★ Product Features: Six head FLy shot SMT production line is the most popular production line at present, with higher precision, higher stability and faster speed. Recommended applications: Automotive power supply, energy saving power supply, ballast, etc.
Recommended solution: eight-head fly-shot SMT production line solution Recommended strength: ★★★★★ Product Features: Eight head FLy shot SMT production line is the highest end production line, with the highest precision, highest stability and fastest speed. Recommended applications: Automotive power supply, energy saving power supply, ballast, etc.